Financial Accountability and Transparency
“Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.” – Matthew 25:40
The Health Wagon’s Board of Trustees has the responsibility to be faithful stewards and to maintain integrity and transparency in all financial practices and affairs. Only 10% goes to administrative and fundraising activities, all other funding goes toward program expenses. We strive to present the health care needs of some of God’s most vulnerable people here in the Appalachian Mountains to the public and make known the unmet needs here in our region. We then trust the Holy Spirit to touch the hearts of those whom He wants to help participate in meeting the needs through our valuable life-giving and life-saving programs.
We feel we have a certain responsibility to be faithful stewards and to maintain integrity and open disclosure in our financial practices. Therefore, we are committed to fulfilling the following standards:
- We are governed by a responsible Board of Trustees. Our Board meets to establish policies, approve budgets, and review operational results, health care outreach, and accomplishments.
- Our financial statements are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles. We obtain an annual audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards by an independent public accounting firm, Bostic and Tucker. Copies of our current audited financial statements are available upon request or can be downloaded from this website (see links above).
- Our Board appoints an audit committee to review the annual audit and report its findings to the Board.
- We seek to conduct our activities with the highest standards of integrity and to avoid conflicts of interest.
- Our fundraising initiatives clearly identify the purpose and programs to which donations will be applied, and we ensure that donations are used for the purposes for which they were raised. Our Board of Trustees directs that all contributions designated for specific projects shall be applied to those projects. Occasionally, we may receive more contributions for a given project than can be wisely applied to that project. When that happens, we use these funds to meet operational needs.
- Contributions to the ministry are tax deductible to the full extent allowed by law. In order to help our donors determine the tax-deductible portion of their gifts, we receipt all donations showing the fair market value of any goods or services provided to the donor.
- We attempt to operate the outreach without indebtedness. When we make a purchase, we pay the approved invoice within 30 days. We may have to occasionally borrow funds for capital expenditures, but if done so we promptly repay those loans.
- We respect individuals’ privacy and do not sell or rent our mailing list to other groups wishing to use the names and addresses of our supporters. We maintain tight security on our list of friends and supporters.
- Any request for Financial Statements can be made by contacting Larry Sturgill, CPA, at 276-328-9593.